Call & Opening Prayer: Psalm 78

Here’s a call to worship and opening prayer inspired by Psalm 78: 1-7 and Joshua 24, two of the scripture texts for Proper 27A (November 6, 2011).  They were written by Moira Laidlaw.

Call to Worship
(based on Psalm 78: 1-7)

We gather here to remember God’s glorious deeds—
recorded for all time by people
whose lives were touched by divine grace. 
As people of hope, they affirmed the great works of God,
and the importance of keeping the commandments of God.

We are heirs of their faithfulness
in witnessing to the greatness of God’s wondrous acts.

Let our witness be as convincing, 
so that generations to come
will continue to honour God’s holy name.

Prayer of Praise and Adoration

We worship you, O God, as the one in whom we have placed our hope.  We share the desire of your people of old to tell of the blessings you have effected in our lives. When we think about the greatest blessing of all—the gift of yourself in human flesh—Jesus Christ—we joyfully acknowledge that our hope in you is not misplaced.  We choose to serve you because you chose to touch our lives so graciously in Christ.  May our faithful witness and the service of our lives reveal the depth of our love and gratitude as we worship you, O God, and as we praise and adore you in Jesus’ name and in the power of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

— Copyright © Moira Laidlaw, posted on her Liturgies Online website. Visit that site for other great lectionary-based resources.